TreeView Example

# Resource object code (Python 3)
# Created by: object code
# Created by: The Resource Compiler for Qt version 6.6.3
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

from PySide6 import QtCore

qt_resource_data = b"\
etting Started\x09\x09\
\x09\x09How to familia\
rize yourself wi\
th Qt Designer\x0d\x0a\
    Launching De\
 the Qt Designer\
 application\x0d\x0a  \
  The User Inter\
face\x09\x09\x09How to in\
teract with Qt D\
ning a Component\
\x09\x09\x09Creating a GU\
I for your appli\
cation\x0d\x0a    Crea\
ting a Dialog\x09\x09\x09\
How to create a \
dialog\x0d\x0a    Comp\
osing the Dialog\
\x09\x09Putting widget\
s into the dialo\
g example\x0d\x0a    C\
reating a Layout\
\x09\x09\x09Arranging wid\
gets on a form\x0d\x0a\
    Signal and S\
lot Connections\x09\
\x09Making widget c\
ommunicate with \
each other\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aUs\
ing a Component \
in Your Applicat\
ion\x09Generating c\
ode from forms\x0d\x0a\
    The Direct A\
pproach\x09\x09\x09Using \
a form without a\
ny adjustments\x0d\x0a\
    The Single I\
nheritance Appro\
ach\x09Subclassing \
a form's base cl\
ass\x0d\x0a    The Mul\
tiple Inheritanc\
e Approach\x09Subcl\
assing the form \
itself\x0d\x0a    Auto\
matic Connection\
s\x09\x09Connecting wi\
dgets using a na\
ming scheme\x0d\x0a   \
     A Dialog Wi\
thout Auto-Conne\
ct\x09How to connec\
t widgets withou\
t a naming schem\
e\x0d\x0a        A Dia\
log With Auto-Co\
nnect\x09Using auto\
matic connection\
s\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aForm Editin\
g Mode\x09\x09\x09How to \
edit a form in Q\
t Designer\x0d\x0a    \
Managing Forms\x09\x09\
\x09Loading and sav\
ing forms\x0d\x0a    E\
diting a Form\x09\x09\x09\
Basic editing te\
chniques\x0d\x0a    Th\
e Property Edito\
r\x09\x09\x09Changing wid\
get properties\x0d\x0a\
    The Object I\
ing the hierarch\
y of objects on \
a form\x0d\x0a    Layo\
uts\x09\x09\x09\x09Objects t\
hat arrange widg\
ets on a form\x0d\x0a \
       Applying \
and Breaking Lay\
outs\x09Managing wi\
dgets in layouts\
 \x0d\x0a        Horiz\
ontal and Vertic\
al Layouts\x09Stand\
ard row and colu\
mn layouts\x0d\x0a    \
    The Grid Lay\
out\x09\x09\x09Arranging \
widgets in a mat\
rix\x0d\x0a    Preview\
ing Forms\x09\x09\x09Chec\
king that the de\
sign works\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aUs\
ing Containers\x09\x09\
\x09How to group wi\
dgets together\x0d\x0a\
    General Feat\
ures\x09\x09\x09Common co\
ntainer features\
\x0d\x0a    Frames\x09\x09\x09\x09\
QFrame\x0d\x0a    Grou\
p Boxes\x09\x09\x09\x09QGrou\
pBox\x0d\x0a    Stacke\
d Widgets\x09\x09\x09QSta\
ckedWidget\x0d\x0a    \
Tab Widgets\x09\x09\x09\x09Q\
TabWidget\x0d\x0a    T\
oolbox Widgets\x09\x09\
nection Editing \
g widgets togeth\
er with signals \
and slots\x0d\x0a    C\
onnecting Object\
s\x09\x09\x09Making conne\
ctions in Qt Des\
igner\x0d\x0a    Editi\
ng Connections\x09\x09\
\x09Changing existi\
ng connections\x0d\x0a\

qt_resource_name = b"\

qt_resource_struct = b"\

def qInitResources():
    QtCore.qRegisterResourceData(0x03, qt_resource_struct, qt_resource_name, qt_resource_data)

def qCleanupResources():
    QtCore.qUnregisterResourceData(0x03, qt_resource_struct, qt_resource_name, qt_resource_data)
