CustomTitleBarDemo Example
The example demonstrates the ability to customize the title bar of the top-level window.
The component provides a rich opportunities for customizing window's title bar. You can add a Qt widget inside the title bar, change the size of title bar, control the painting. To extend the whole window onto title bar to achieve use of the non-client part of the window for the placement of the elements. Component provides support for this customiztion on Windows, Linux (KDE or Gnome), MacOSX.
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/CustomTitleBarDemo.qrc
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/main.cpp
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/mainwindow.cpp
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/mainwindow.h
- ribbon/CustomTitleBarDemo/titlebarwidget.ui