QtitanRibbon 5 project has entered to the final stage of development. In the upcoming version, the code of style rendering was refactored. The style details, such as - colors, palettes, metrics, images for drawing primitives and etc. are now in a separate XML file. This will make it quite easy to customize the style of the app elements to fit your company design guideline. In addition, Ribbon UI rendering was moved to the style side in many parts. Therefore, now the Ribbon UI can work with system styles even with CSS enabled or for example with the QFusionStyle style. To the existing Microsoft Office styles, we have added an implementation of the style that is used in the Adobe product family - Qtitan::AdobeFamilyStyle. For instance in Adobe Photoshop 2018. This style supports 4 color gradations ranging from black to light-gray. QtitanRibbon 5 will support window title bar customization - add custom widgets, manage the title bar painting, frame configuration, expand the non-client window title bar area on the window client area. An evaluation version will be available at the end of this month. Below some screenshots are available: QtitanRibbon 5 works with system style (Windows 10)QtitanRibbon 5 works with system style (Windows 10)QtitanRibbon 5 Adobe-family style (Black theme)QtitanRibbon 5 Adobe-family style (Dark Gray theme, default)QtitanRibbon 5 Adobe-family style (Gray theme)QtitanRibbon 5 Adobe-family style (Light Gray theme)QtitanRibbon 5 Adobe-family style for QtitanDocking componentQtitanRibbon 5 Adobe-family style Qt Widgets |