We are pleased to announce the release of the component QtitanNavigation version 1.4. In this version, we moved forward in the development of the concept Fluent Design and Navigation Design introduced by the Microsoft in UWP framwork and now some of the features are available for Qt developers. In version 1.4 appeared the possibility to create special widgets that represent Acrylic material in order to give the application visually great depth and volume. You can control the tint color of the material and the level of the opacity. Under Windows 10 or MacOSX, it is now possible to blend the material brush with the blurred background of the desktop, which is located behind the application window. See screenshot for the detail. Added the ability to fully customize top-level window Title Bar. You can control the size of the non-client frame, the background color, system buttons and other elements. It became possible to add the "Back" button to the title bar instead of the system menu button. Special mode allows place the title bar directly on the window client area. There is a possibility to add a custom QWidget to the non-client area and in general fully managed rendering title bar through QStyle and the corresponding primitives that are responsible for rendering the title bar, for instance QStyle::SC_TitleBarSysMenu, QStyle::SC_TitleBarCloseButton and etc. See the screenshot with the embedded QLineEdit into the title bar. Improved buttons, animation is added when the button is pressed. A number of classes were added so that you can quickly and inexpensively create applications supporting the Navigation Design concept and provide convenient navigation between application pages. NavigationView it's a widget usually the main widget on the window that provides a collapsible navigation menu (hamburger menu) and a navigation frame. Widget automatically adapts own view layout to different window sizes. NavigationFrame - the widget provides a switch between the pages and supports a history of hits that can be associated with the "Back" button on the title bar. Several animation modes are possible when switching. |
We are pleased to announce the release of the QtitanDataGrid 5.18 component. Version introduces a new feature - save filter and filter history to the XML. The filter settings can now be saved to a separate file or as part of a grid layout. The mechanism of reading the XML file was updated to load the XML with the enabled auto-formatting. This version corrects an input issue for Chinese, Japanese and other complex languages that require a virtual input method (QInputMethod). A few minor bugs were fixed. |
QtianRibbon and QtitanDataGrid componets were updated to QtianRibbon 4.17.1 and QtitanDataGrid 5.17.1. Update corrects a problem compiling for Qt4 and demo examples. |
We are pleased to announce the release of the QtitanDataGrid 5.17 component. The version contains a number of improvements and fixes for errors that are identified on the basis of user feedbacks. Improved drag-drop mechanism for rows and cells. The grid now shows the contents of the rows while dragging. Now you can choose to copy or move the data. To switch press and hold the Shift key. Added InternalMove mode. Fixed the problem of the drag-drop operation when the grid is located on a modal window, for example on QDialog. Updated demo examples. |
We are pleased to announce the release of the QtitanRibbon 4.17 component. The version contains the bug-fixes for rendering issues and fixes several crashes of ribbon ui. |
We are pleased to announce the release of the QtitanDataGrid 5.16 component. In this version we improved the work of the cell editor that holds the built-in combobox. No longer you need to implement a complex relationship resorting to RelationModel for ComboBoxEditorType. Now it's enough just to return QVariant with the list of strings as QStringList from the model under Qt::EditRole and get-back the selected string. QVariant::StringList, QVariant::List and QVariant::Map are supported. How it works in practice, you can train on a new demo GridComboBoxDemo, it will be available after install the latest version. Added support for Qt5.10, access to QScrollBars and many other important bug-fixes. |
We are pleased to announce the release of QtitanRibbon 4.16.0. The component now fully supports Qt5.10, were fixed all the errors found after migration to Qt5.10. The mechanism of ribbon minimization mode (double-click on RibbonPage Tabs) has been significantly refactored. Also, many other bugs reported by the users were fixed. We recommend to use this version instead of 4.15. |
We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanRibbon 4.15. Many small bugs and shortcomings were corrected. |
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