Class TFireDockMainForm
type TFireDockMainForm = class(TFireForm)
The main form of an application that has a mechanism of dock panels.
It has a customized dock manager and all the necessary functions for adding dockable panels and bars. It has a references to the MenuBar and to StatusBar.
See also
- TFireDockPanelManager
- Class TFireDockPanelManager is used to add Microsoft-like dock panels to the certain TControl.
- TCustomForm
- TFireCustomForm
- TFireForm
- TFireDockMainForm
procedure Init; |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); reintroduce; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function GetMenuBar: TControl; |
procedure SetMenuBar(MenuBar: TControl); |
function GetStatusBar: TControl; |
procedure SetStatusBar(StatusBar: TControl); |
function GetCentralControl: TControl; |
procedure SetCentralControl(Control: TControl); |
function DockPanelManager: TFireDockPanelManager; |
function AddDockWindow(Panel: TFireDockPanelBase; const ScreenRect: TRect): TFireDockWindow; |
function AddDockPanel(const Title: String; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil): TFireDockControlPanel; overload; |
function AddDockPanel(const Title: String; const DefaultSize: TSizeF; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil): TFireDockControlPanel; overload; |
procedure InsertDockPanel(Panel: TFireDockControlPanel; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil); overload; |
procedure InsertDockPanel(Panel: TFireDockControlPanel; const DefaultSize: TSizeF; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil); overload; |
procedure RemoveDockPanel(Panel: TFireDockControlPanel); |
procedure ClearDockPanels; |
procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); |
function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; |
procedure Init; |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); reintroduce; |
Constructor of the class TFireDockMainForm. The AOwner parameter by default is nil. |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function GetMenuBar: TControl; |
Returns the menu bar for the main form. This function creates and returns an empty menu bar if the menu bar does not exist. |
procedure SetMenuBar(MenuBar: TControl); |
Sets the menu bar for the main form to menuBar. Note: TFireDockMainForm takes ownership of the menuBar pointer and deletes it at the appropriate time. |
function GetStatusBar: TControl; |
Returns the status bar for the main form. This function creates and returns an empty status bar StatusBar if the status bar does not exist. |
function GetCentralControl: TControl; |
Returns the central control for the main form. This function returns zero if the central control has not been set. |
function DockPanelManager: TFireDockPanelManager; |
Returns TFireDockPanelManager that manages the main form. |
function AddDockWindow(Panel: TFireDockPanelBase; const ScreenRect: TRect): TFireDockWindow; |
Forwards the call to TFireDockPanelManager.AddDockWindow() that manages the main form. See also |
function AddDockPanel(const Title: String; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil): TFireDockControlPanel; overload; |
Forwards the call to TFireDockPanelManager that manages the main form. See also |
function AddDockPanel(const Title: String; const DefaultSize: TSizeF; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil): TFireDockControlPanel; overload; |
Forwards the call to TFireDockPanelManager that manages the main form. See also |
procedure InsertDockPanel(Panel: TFireDockControlPanel; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil); overload; |
Forwards the call to TFireDockPanelManager that manages the main form. See also |
procedure InsertDockPanel(Panel: TFireDockControlPanel; const DefaultSize: TSizeF; Area: TFireDockPanelArea; TargetPanel: TFireDockPanelBase = nil); overload; |
Forwards the call to TFireDockPanelManager that manages the main form. See also |
procedure RemoveDockPanel(Panel: TFireDockControlPanel); |
Forwards the call to TFireDockPanelManager that manages the main form. See also |
procedure ClearDockPanels; |
Forwards the call to TFireDockPanelManager that manages the main form. See also |
procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); |
Saves the dock panels and bars state to the Stream. |
function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean; |
Restores the dock panels and bars state from the Stream. |
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