GridModelController Class

GridModelController class processes the tabular data from Qt models and provides them in a convenient way to display in the view. Inside of it are performed grouping and sorting operations, focus handling, column's data binding and other important data-related operations. More...

Header: #include <GridModelController>
Inherits: QObject

Public Types

flags Changes

Public Functions

Qtitan::ItemPosition defaultPinnedPosition() const
Qtitan::EditStrategy editStrategy() const
Qtitan::ItemPosition indexPinnedPosition(const QModelIndex &index) const
void setEditStrategy(Qtitan::EditStrategy strategy)
void setIndexPinnedPosition(const QModelIndex &index, Qtitan::ItemPosition position)
enum EditStrategy { OnFieldChange, OnRowChange }
enum SortOrder { SortNone, SortAscending, SortDescending }

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

Qtitan::ItemPosition GridModelController::defaultPinnedPosition() const

Returns the default frozen place for pinned rows. Enumirator Qtitan::ItemPosition describes the place where the rows will be pinned by default. Qtitan::AtBeginning - Row frozen at the begining of the view and can't be vertical scrolled (always displayed on view). Qtitan::AtEnd - Row frozen at the bottom of the view and can't be vertical scrolled (always displayed on view).

Qtitan::EditStrategy GridModelController::editStrategy() const

Returns the strategy for data submiting to the model after the cell's value has changed.

See also setEditStrategy().

Qtitan::ItemPosition GridModelController::indexPinnedPosition(const QModelIndex &index) const

Returns Qtitan::AtBeginning or Qtitan::AtEnd if the row related to index is fixed at the view on the top or bottom position. If the index is not fixed, then it returns Qtitan::AtNone.

See also setIndexPinnedPosition().

void GridModelController::setEditStrategy(Qtitan::EditStrategy strategy)

Sets the strategy for data submiting to the model after the cell's value has changed. Please note what the setting does not has effect if QSqlTableModel is used with edit strategy equal to QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange.

See also editStrategy().

void GridModelController::setIndexPinnedPosition(const QModelIndex &index, Qtitan::ItemPosition position)

Fixes the row related to the model index to the position at the view.

See also indexPinnedPosition().

Related Non-Members

enum EditStrategy

Enumerator EditStrategy describes the behaviour how the data should be submitted to the model.

GridModelController::OnFieldChange0Data will be submited to the model immediately once the value has changed.
GridModelController::OnRowChange1Data will be submited to the model if row focus has changed.

enum SortOrder

This enum describes sort order for column.

GridModelController::SortNone0No sorting
GridModelController::SortAscending1Low to high sorting
GridModelController::SortDescending2High to low sorting