NavigationFrame Class
The navigation frame adds support for navigation to widgets and maintains a history of widges it has navigated to. More...
Header: | #include <NavigationFrame> |
Inherits: | QWidget |
Public Functions
void | clear() |
void | navigateTo(QWidget *page, Qtitan::TransitionMode transition = Qtitan::DrillIn) |
void | navigateTo(QWidget *page, const QString &title, const QIcon &icon = QIcon(), Qtitan::TransitionMode transition = Qtitan::DrillIn) |
Detailed Description
Member Function Documentation
void NavigationFrame::clear()
Remove all the pages from the havigation history.
void NavigationFrame::navigateTo(QWidget *page, Qtitan::TransitionMode transition = Qtitan::DrillIn)
Navigates to the page and add it to the history of navigation. Parameter transition specifies the transition effect that used to show the page.
void NavigationFrame::navigateTo(QWidget *page, const QString &title, const QIcon &icon = QIcon(), Qtitan::TransitionMode transition = Qtitan::DrillIn)
Navigates to the page and add it to the history of navigation with given icon and title. Parameter transition specifies the transition effect that used to show the page.