QtitanDataGridModel-view DataGrid component with rich functionality for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanRibbonReplicates Microsoft RibbonUI interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanNavigationDesignUIReplicates Microsoft Navigation Design interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanChartCharts and Diagrams component for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanDockingDockable Panels and Tool Bars for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanFastInfosetXML Compressed format FastInfoset implementation for Qt.C++ and PySideRoadmap Development 2023
FireDataGridPowerful, modern, fast, DB-Aware Grid for Delphi-FiremonkeyFireDockingDelphi IDE/Visual Studio implementation of dock panels for Delphi-Firemonkey
We sent you the email letter on September 25, 2023 at your request. Did you receive it? Your colleague also renewed the company's license without any problems.
Regarding updates, in fact, last quarter we focused on our new product DC Studio Tool. Unfortunately, we had to delay its release again due to the amount of work we were encountered and Adobe's merging policy with Figma.
This week will be released a beta for major version of QtitanDataGrid 8 and updates for our other components before the end of the month.