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Some functionality questions

9 years 6 months ago #1 by Orren
We are currently evaluating FireDataGrid and find it very impressive. I just have some questions:

1.In our tests we find that a modest number of rows (5500) can take upwards of 2 minutes to perform a grouping operation on an in-memory dataset (TClientdataset). Is there anything that we can do to improve this performance?

2. Loadlayoutfromfile and Savelayouttofile do not seem to be working. We want to be able to save the current user defined layout of the grid so that when they return the to form it is already set properly. I assume that the loadlayout and savelayout was designed for that purpose. How do we achieve this functionality?

3. How do you format currency in the grid. Currently, the data is coming in like 5114.9. We would like it to be $5,114.90 - or have some way to control the decimal places. We have not been able to find a way to do this in the grid and manipulating the TFields does not seem to have an effect.

4. Is there a way to make a column read only? or to control any given field and make it read only on the fly?

5. Is there any way to export the formatted (grouped/sorted etc.) data to an Excel file? If not do you intend on providing this capability?

6. Is there any way to send the formatted (grouped/sorted etc.) contents to a printer?


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9 years 6 months ago #2 by Developer Machines
Answered by email.

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8 years 1 month ago #3 by Adeo IT Raesfeld
Hi there,
is it possible to get a copy of the send mail with these topics ??



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