>>1. I want to use the function without displaying the FindPanel on the screen.
If I understand you correctly, you need to set the filter for the rows without using the find panel bar.
It can be done. Look at an example CustomFilter.exe, such possibility is demonstrated there.
>>2. I want to separately specify the column used for FindPanel search.
To do that, use have option GridViewOptions::setFindColumnList(const QStringList& list);
GridTableView* view = m_grid->view<Qtitan::GridTableView>();
QStringList filterColumns;
However, in the latest version there is a bug in the option

. We have prepared a bug-fix for this issue, if you are not ready to wait for the next version, write to us at
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to download the current source build.
>>3. When displaying the FindPanel, I want to display at other position. (mainly at the bottom)
At the moment only top position is supported.