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Hello you all.
Finally, i upgraded Qt and Qtitangrid to the lates releases.
Unfortunately I didn't find instructions to use the designer plugin with qt creator.
After built qtitangrid sources (mingw), I copied qtngriddsgn2.dll into C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.4.1\bin\designer but didn't work: in "Help->About Plugins" I didn't find Qtitan plugin. In About window of QtCreator there are these credits:
Qt Creator 2.4.1
Based on Qt 4.7.4 (32 bit)
Built on Jan 25 2012 at 01:41:41
So, I don't know if this qtcreator release is VS built or mingw built.
Moreover the official Qtitan grid documentation doesn't contains pages about designer plugins.
What version of the grid do you use? Latest version 2.8 was built with Qt 4.8.x and this may be reason for this issue.
You might rebuild the grid for Qt4.7.4 and try again.