I implemented a bandedTableView in order to manage complex informations.
If I click on a cell, I can get the Cell text with this code:
void Window::cellButtonClicked(CellButtonClickEventArgs* args)
Qtitan::GridTableView* view = m_grid->view<Qtitan::GridTableView>();
int row = args->row()->rowIndex();
int col = args->column()->index();
QVariant s = view->model()->data(view->model()->index(row,col),Qt::DisplayRole);
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Cell button clicked (new)"),
tr("Clicked: Button - %1, Column Title - %2, RowIndex - %3 Data displayrole: %4").arg(args->buttonIndex()).arg(args->column()->caption()).arg(args->row()->rowIndex())
Well, if I click on a column header to sort the datamodel, the code previuos quoted doesn't work any more..
The data returned are always referred to the UNSORTED datamodel.
Another problem: recently I see that answers from the official support are missing, there are old topics still without support answers: should I be worried?