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Active QTitanDataGrid table disables key press

10 years 2 months ago #1 by Aaron
When using QTitanDataGrid within my application. No other widgets will accept key presses.

More specifically, when attempting to use the delete key, nothing will happen when a QTitanDataGrid widget is active.

If i close out of this widget, delete functionality returns to the rest of my widgets.

I have observed this behavior with 2 QTitanDataGrid widgets too. If 2 are active, then delete will not work on one. When I close one QTitanDataGrid widget. Delete functionality returns to the other widget.

I'm using version 3.2

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10 years 2 months ago - 10 years 2 months ago #2 by Developer Machines
What do you meant "active widget", does it mean - has focus? Is it possible to reproduce the issue on our demo examples?
Last edit: 10 years 2 months ago by Developer Machines.

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10 years 1 month ago #3 by Aaron Shelley
So what was happening was QTitanDataGrid registers the 'Delete' key as a global shortcut. So when I try and add my own keyPressEvents for my widgets to handle the 'Delete' key press. QTitanDataGrid eats the key if I have a QTitanDataGrid widget active. I ended up removing the problem code.

This is found in QtnGridTableView.cpp (4224)
 m_actions.insert(DeleteRowAction, addActionToWidget(grid(), create_menu_icon(":res/grid_clear_btn.png"), Grid::tr(QtnGridRemoveRowString), this, SLOT(slot_removeRow()), QKeySequence::Delete));

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10 years 1 month ago #4 by Developer Machines
We can get access to the m_actions from view. If this case you will be able to configure these actions as you need.Does it solution will suit you?

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10 years 3 weeks ago #5 by Aaron Shelley
That could be useful, yes.

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