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When the model raises 'headerDataChanged' signal, this is ignored by the QtitanDataGrid. Inspecting the dumpObject() output (shown below) it appears the view never connects to the signal.
Is there are way to trigger the view to update it's column headers?
OBJECT GenericParametersTableModel::unnamed
signal: destroyed(QObject*)
--> Qtitan::GridModelController::unnamed modelDestroyed()
signal: destroyed()
signal: objectNameChanged(QString)
signal: dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex,QVector<int>)
--> Qtitan::GridModelController::unnamed modelDataChanged(QModelIndex,
signal: dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)
signal: headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation,int,int) <---- No one is listening.
signal: layoutChanged(QList<QPersistentModelIndex>,QAbstractItemModel::L
I have tried the recent update , with QtitanDataGrid 7.3.0 I can change content of the table header. But What I need is a dynamic change, the size of my header is not fixed; for example , I change the table from 5 columns to 6 columns, I failed again;
headerDataChanged() is used to notify about the text changing only.
To change the count of column you have to raise event QAbstractItemModel ::columnsInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int). Also you can try to rebuild the layout completery with QAbstractItemModel::modelAboutToBeReset(), QAbstractItemModel::modelReset() events.