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Export To CSV( my own code, but slow... )

9 years 8 months ago #1 by Kwangho Kim
i want to copy-paste feature with qtitandatagrid. but currently qtitandatagrid does not support this feature. so i decide to make my own code.

--- i edited qtitandatagrid source code because qtitandatagrid cannot signal ctrl+c event.
--- this code does not support banded table view.
--- this code is very slow. so i want built-in fast method and event slot like ctrl+c.
--- this code based on QtitanDataGrid 3.6.2


GridChangeFlags m_changeFlags;
QHash<GridActionType, QAction*> m_actions;
QHash<int, QAction*> m_customActions;
protected Q_SLOTS:
virtual void controllerChanged() = 0;


void GridTableView::createCustomAction( int actionIdentifier, const QIcon& icon, const QString& text, const QObject* receiver, const char* member, const QKeySequence& shortcut /*= QKeySequence() */ )
m_customActions.insert( actionIdentifier, addActionToWidget( grid(), icon, text, receiver, member, shortcut ) );


virtual void print(QPrinter* printer);
virtual void createCustomAction( int actionIdentifier, const QIcon& icon, const QString& text, const QObject* receiver, const char* member, const QKeySequence& shortcut = QKeySequence() );

public Q_SLOTS:
void expandAll();

============== usage
ui.tblFlexLMLicenseLogs->view< Qtitan::GridTableView >()->createCustomAction( 0, QIcon(), "Copy", this, SLOT( copyDataToClipboardFromFlexLM() ), QKeySequence::Copy );

... wrapper code dropped...
... LM_TRACE_TO, LM_DEBUG_TO macro is my own debug code, so these codes are redundants

void copyDataToClipboardUsingCSV( const Qtitan::Grid* grd )
TEXT(CSV) 형태로 데이터를 클립보드로 복사하는 코드 -> QtitanDataGrid

#. 그룹을 지정하지 않았을 때

첫번째 행 : 헤더 컬럼으로 콜론(,) 으로 구분함
두번째 행 이후 : 데이터 컬럼으로 콜론(,) 으로 구분하며 텍스트 데이터는 "" 로 감싸도록 함

#. 그룹을 지정하였을 때

첫번째 행 : 헤더 컬럼으로 콜론(,) 으로 구분한다. 또한, 그룹으로 묶인 컬럼을 우선적으로 배치한다.
두번째 행 이후 : 데이터 컬럼으로 콜론(,) 으로 구분하며 텍스트 데이터는 "" 로 감싸도록 함

※ 밴드 그리드에서는 지원하지 않음
※ 엑셀에서는 텍스트 마법사를 통해 붙여넣기 가능

QString clipboardData;
LM_TRACE_TO( logger_dlgmain, L"QtitanDataGrid CtrlC Event" );
auto spTableView = grd->view< Qtitan::GridTableView >();
auto stClipboard = QApplication::clipboard();

auto selectionCells = spTableView->selection();
if( selectionCells == NULLPTR )

// 그룹을 지정했다면 그룹 컬럼 이름을 첫번째 행에 넣음
QVector< Qtitan::GridTableColumn* > vecGroupName;
for( int idx = 0; idx < spTableView->groupColumnCount(); ++idx )
auto groupColumn = spTableView->groupColumnByIndex( idx );
QString caption = groupColumn->caption();

LM_DEBUG_TO( logger_dlgmain, L"GROUP INDEX = %1, CAPTION = %2, VISUAL INDEX = %3", idx, caption, groupColumn->visualIndex() );
vecGroupName.push_back( groupColumn );
clipboardData += "\"" + caption + "\",";

// 모든걸 다 그룹으로 묶었다면 헤더가 없으므로 마지막의 , 를 제거한다
if( clipboardData.endsWith( "," ) == true && spTableView->getColumnCount() == 0 )
clipboardData = clipboardData.left( clipboardData.length() - 1 );

// 헤더 데이터 얻기, 일반 헤더는 보이지 않는 것도 모두 반환되므로 보이는 것만 추가한다
for( int idx = 0; idx < spTableView->getColumnCount(); ++idx )
auto column = spTableView->getColumn( idx );
LM_DEBUG_TO( logger_dlgmain, L"Header Info INDEX = %1, CAPTION = %2, isVisible = %3", idx, column->caption(), column->isVisible() );
if( column->isVisible() == true )
clipboardData += "\"" + column->caption() + "\",";

if( clipboardData.endsWith( "," ) == true )
clipboardData = clipboardData.left( clipboardData.length() - 1 );

if( clipboardData.isEmpty() == false )
clipboardData += "\r\n";

int currentRowIndex = -1;
while( selectionCells->end() == false )
auto cell = selectionCells->cell();
auto row = selectionCells->row();

if( cell->rowIndex() != currentRowIndex )
if( clipboardData.endsWith("\n") == false )
clipboardData += "\r\n";

if( vecGroupName.isEmpty() == false && row->type() == Qtitan::GridRow::DataRow )
QVariant vtData;
Qtitan::GridRow* groupRow = row;
QStack<QString> stack;

groupRow->groupValue( vtData );
stack.push( vtData.toString() );
groupRow = groupRow->parentGroupRow();

} while( groupRow != NULLPTR );

while( stack.isEmpty() == false )
clipboardData += stack.pop() + ",";


if( row->type() == Qtitan::GridRow::DataRow )
LM_DEBUG_TO( logger_dlgmain, L"ROW = %1, GROUP COLUMN = %4 CELL = %2, DATA = %3",
row->groupColumn() );
clipboardData += cell->modelIndex().data().toString() + ",";

currentRowIndex = cell->rowIndex();

stClipboard->setText( clipboardData );

} while( false );


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9 years 8 months ago #2 by Developer Machines
Could you please tell me how many rows in your model?

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