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I have added delegate on columns which creates combo box as editor,
Please refer following code snippet.
GridDelegateAdapterEditorRepository* adapter = static_cast<GridDelegateAdapterEditorRepository *>(column->editorRepository());
adapter->setDelegate(new CustomComboBoxDelegate());
column->editorRepository()->setEditorActivationPolicy(GridEditorActivationPolicy(DblClick | EditPress));
please refer attached image where I could not see the delegated column highlighted on row selection.
Why you do not use a standard for qtitangrid solution? The variant how it is possible to insert a combobox in a grid is well illustrated in an RelationDemo.exe example. Delegate adapter was added to quickly port a large and complex editors, which require a lot of time to migrate from a regular Qt table to QtitanDataGrid.
We have complex editors present and which requires a lot of time to migrate it from Qt table to QtitanDataGrid.
Could you please let us know how to highlight the Combo box as delegate correctly.
We are using QtitanGrid 5.13.0 version.