QtitanDataGridModel-view DataGrid component with rich functionality for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanRibbonReplicates Microsoft RibbonUI interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanNavigationDesignUIReplicates Microsoft Navigation Design interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanChartCharts and Diagrams component for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanDockingDockable Panels and Tool Bars for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanFastInfosetXML Compressed format FastInfoset implementation for Qt.C++ and PySideRoadmap Development 2023
FireDataGridPowerful, modern, fast, DB-Aware Grid for Delphi-FiremonkeyFireDockingDelphi IDE/Visual Studio implementation of dock panels for Delphi-Firemonkey
We are using Qt 5.15.2 64 bit msvc 2019. We'd like to update our existing cmake project to use the titan ribbon component. I have built the titan ribbon component library successfully but when I attempt to use the library in a cmake project, I get 17 linker errors. I have provided a sample project that produces the errors.
Last edit: 3 years 1 month ago by kmbar13. Reason: Updating the Qt version used.