QtitanDataGridModel-view DataGrid component with rich functionality for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanRibbonReplicates Microsoft RibbonUI interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanNavigationDesignUIReplicates Microsoft Navigation Design interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanChartCharts and Diagrams component for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanDockingDockable Panels and Tool Bars for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanFastInfosetXML Compressed format FastInfoset implementation for Qt.C++ and PySideRoadmap Development 2023
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I encountered the following problem with the MDI control buttons with QtitanRibbon v2.8.1 (Windows 7 x64 + Sp1).
With QMdiSubWindow maximized window controls appear in the correct position, but when you resize the main window, MDI controls are NOT repositioned correctly.
By changing the active window QMdiSubWindow (Ctrl + Tab), the MDI control are repositioned correctly.
The problem is independent of setFrameThemeEnabled() settings and can be reproduced with your Ribbon MDI example (ribbonmdi.exe).