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Sub-menu in Titan Ribbon menu

12 years 6 months ago #1 by Ludek
Hello there,

about two week early I tried to contact your support via mail but unfortunately without response. So I would like to try it here by using forum.

In my existing application where I'm using another Ribbon component I can create following menu:

and when user select "New", sub-menu is displayed directly in the menu area:

but I didn't find any example how to do this using your component. When I tried to add menu object and add child action to this menu using following code:

QMenu* menuTest= popupBar->addMenu(tr("Test..."));

QAction * actTest = menuTest->addAction(QIcon(":/res/save.png"), tr("&Save"));
actTest->setStatusTip(tr("Save the active document"));

this sub-menu is displayed like popup-menu and not in the main ribbon menu:

Is it possible to create ribbon menu like in the CodeJock component? And if so, could you please point me to any sample?

I'm nearly to finish my product but without that feature I can't release it. I will be grateful for any advice.


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12 years 6 months ago #2 by Developer Machines
Hello Ludek,
Unfortunately this option is now available in current version. Perhaps you will approach in another widget - BackStageView? Example of use can be found in - ribbonbackstage demo.

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