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When using the RibbonBar, it processes the AltGr key and takes away the focus of the currently selected widget (QLineEdit for example).
On Belgian keyboard layouts, the AltGr key is used for the '@'-char. When you use that keyboard combination, the focus is lost on the widget. This is very annoying for input of email addresses.
The bug can be reproduced using the ribbonmdi.exe example. When you type a char using the AltGr key, focus is lost.
I also found out that when you press the AltGr key, the QObjet::event function is actually reporting Qt::Key_Control instead of Qt::Key_AltGr. The behaviour is identical on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
As a test, i installed an eventFilter, catching the ShowKeyTipEvent and HideKeyTipEvent (as seen in the event function of QtnRibbonBar.cpp). In that case, key tips aren't shown anymore, but it doesn't solve the problem of losing focus.
unfortunately the behavior is still the same. As soon as I press Alt or Alt+GR, editor loose the focus and ribbon is activated. Is there any special requirements to activate this function?
Here is a video I recorded from my application. I'm trying to write ALTGR+131 which should write char â. As you can see, if I tried to enter it on any edit on the main page, ribbon is always activated. If I tried it on another dialog, everything works correctly.
I just compiled the latest version and it works fine for me.
By only pressing the Alt or AltGr key, the focus is lost on releasing the key and the ribbon shortcuts are highlighted.
When you make a combination with AltGr for typing a specific char, the focus is not changed in the latest version. This is the behaviour i wanted and it actually solved the problem for me.
Are you sure you are using the libs and/or dll's from the latest version?