QtitanDataGridModel-view DataGrid component with rich functionality for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanRibbonReplicates Microsoft RibbonUI interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanNavigationDesignUIReplicates Microsoft Navigation Design interface for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanChartCharts and Diagrams component for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanDockingDockable Panels and Tool Bars for Qt.C++ and PySideQtitanFastInfosetXML Compressed format FastInfoset implementation for Qt.C++ and PySideRoadmap Development 2023
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Everything looks great under Windows... but not under OSX 10.6.7 (latest version), using a screen size of 2560 x 1440 (iMac)
I have taken screenshots (Ribbon 2.0 demo), and the name of each picture tries to describe the problem. If you don't understand, please ask.
Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by Philippe. Reason: header icon
Part of the problem is already solved. But another part, requires time to think.
For example, I'm not sure that we will change rendering algortim of the progress bar.
In addition there is a problem whose cause is clear, but it is not clear how to fix it.
It is not clear what to do with scrollbars on macosx, maybe we will make two variants/options for
mac - native scrollbars or office based scrollbars.