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If you create an WebEngineWidget in an RibbonWindow,
painting of Ribbons are broken and mouse position seems on the wrong positions.
The whole RibbonBar is painted at the wrong place.
It looks like that the ribbons be painted at the position where the WindowFrame was...
This only occures if the webengine widget is displayed, if the webengine Widget is destroyed, the painting is ok again. Only reproducable on pc's with only Intel-HD-Graphic...
With nvidia-graphic all works fine.
Testet on several pcs with:
-Ribbon 4.11, qt 5.8,mscv 2015, windows 10
-Ribbon 4.12, qt 5.9.1 ,mscv 2015, windows 7,10,8.1
QApplication app( argc, argv );
app.setAttribute( Qt::AA_NativeWindows ); can solve the problem, you will not need to set the envrioments values QT_OPENGL. But when you click the Minimize button and restore the button, you will find some questions somewhere in the bootm of the window, also between the title bar and the central widget.
At the moment we develop the next major update of QtitanRibbon - 5.0. In it, this error will be fixed regardless of whether it's Qt guys will fix it or not.